Tickets - Mobile Overview
Tickets can be accessed on the ALICE Staff app (mobile) for accounts that have purchased Service Delivery, Housekeeping, and/or Preventative Mainteance. The ALICE Staff app (mobile) puts the power of ALICE in the hands of users who are always on the go.
Things to Consider
Tickets on the ALICE Staff app are arranged in order of priority. Tickets with the most immediate due date always appear at the top of the ticket list by default.
ALICE is available in offline mode to view Offline mode provides users view-only access to important information even when internet connection is unavailable. ALICE Staff app will indicate that it is in offline mode with a banner and a popup message.
ALICE Staff app has four filter options for tickets: Assignment Filters, Status Filters, Time Filters, and Saved Filters. Learn more at Search and Filter Ticket List - Mobile.