Vendor information stored in ALICE allows properties to maintain a preferred vendor list on the platform

(blue star) User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

(lightbulb) Things to Consider

Jump to “Add Vendors

Jump to “Edit Vendors

Add Vendors

(blue star) Steps

  1. Select “+Add Vendor”.

  2. Begin typing the vendor name. ALICE will display Google Places results. If the vendor information does not appear, add the city or another keyword to aid the Google search.

  3. Select the correct vendor listing. ALICE will autofill the vendor information when available through Google Places. If the vendor data cannot be located in Google Places, enter the information manually. Learn more about Vendor Fields.

  4. Select “+Add” to save the vendor.

Best Practices: Add Tags to vendor records to make searching for local vendors simple. Determine a property practice for adding tags so naming conventions are consistent.

Edit Vendors

(blue star) Steps

  1. Select a vendor from the vendor list. The vendor details populate in the right panel.

  2. Select the blue pencil icon from the vendor details panel to access the edit screen.

  3. Edit vendor details as needed. Select “Update” to save the changes. 

(blue star) Related articles

The content by label feature automatically displays related articles based on labels you choose. To edit options for this feature, select the placeholder and tap the pencil icon.