Unlink QR Code from Inventory Item

Unlink QR Code from Inventory Item

QR Codes are available for customers who have purchased ALICE Preventative Maintenance and allow the engineering teams to quickly access Inventory Item (equipment) information. With this feature, the team is able to: 

  1. Scan a QR code to link it to an Inventory Item (equipment asset). 

  2. Scan a QR code to bring up Inventory Item (equipment asset) details and associated tickets from the ALICE Staff app (mobile).  

QR Codes cannot be unlinked from ALICE Staff app. QR Codes can only be unlinked via ALICE desktop (web).

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Tickets” and “Logbooks” tabs.

  • Access to “View” and “Edit” Tickets in the Preventative Maintenance Facility.


  1. Access the Preventative Maintenance Logbook

  2. Select an Inventory Item from the Logbook. The search bar can help you locate the item quickly.

  3. Note the QR Code icon in the upper right hand corner. Hovering over the icon will display text that notes that the Inventory Item is currently linked to a QR Code.

  4. Select the icon, then select “unlink”.

  5. The icon will be greyed out once it has been unlinked.

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