Employee User Metrics Report

Employee User Metrics Report

View information about user engagement with ALICE.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Reports” tab.

  • Access to “View” Reports.

Things to Consider

  • Time filter defaults to “Last 30 Days”. Change the timeframe using the dropdown.

  • This report is available to customers who have purchased Service Delivery, Guest Services, Housekeeping, or Preventative Maintenance only.


Terms & Definitions

Total Tickets Created per Employee

Number of “All Tickets”, “Guest Requests” and “Internal Requests” created by user.

Total Closing Tickets per Employee

Total number of Guest Request and Internal Request tickets closed by user.

Average Time to Accept per Employee

Average response time by user. Measures the average time between ticket creation and the first status change of tickets where they are the assignee. (hh:mm:ss)

Average Time to Complete per Employee

Average time to close a ticket. Measures the time between the first status change and the last time the ticket is closed for tickets where they are the assignee. (hh:mm:ss)

Active ALICE Users at Property

List of all active users in the property account.

Deactivated or Deleted ALICE Users at Property

List of all deactivated or deleted user accounts in the property account.

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