Add or Edit Service Options

Add or Edit Service Options

Service Options are the fields unique to each Service on a Guest Request or Internal Request (ticket).

Once a Service has been selected on a Guest or Internal Request, additional relevant fields populate onto the ticket. In ALICE Admin, these are referred to as “Service Options”.  

Build fields like checklists, dropdowns, select one/select multiple and many more!

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel Admin User Type access.

Things to Consider

  • Changes to Service Options are not retroactive.

  • Service Options must be configured in ALICE Admin before the fields become available in tickets.

  • A “Data Type” must be selected for each Service Option. Learn more about Service Option Default Fields & Data Types.

  • To begin, access ALICE Admin by selecting the user initials, then select Admin.

Jump to “Add Service Options

Jump to “Edit Service Options

Service Option Default Fields & Data Types

This section begins by defining a list of default fields already included in all Guest Requests and Internal Requests. Do not build these as Service Options when creating a new Service. 

Fields Included on All Guest Request Tickets by Default:

  • Guest - Name associated with the reservation

  • Service - Ticket type

  • Due Date - Deadline for ticket completion

    • Roll Over - Ticket will automatically move to the next day if not closed by midnight

    • Repeat - Ticket will reoccur daily. 

  • Special Info - Additional information (this information is visible in guest-facing documentation)

  • Internal Notes - Information for staff only

  • Assigned To - Responsible Party; individual or department (when left blank)

Fields Included on All Internal Requests Tickets by Default:

  • Service - Ticket type

  • Room# or Location - Reference 

  • Due Date - Deadline for ticket completion

    • Roll Over - Ticket will automatically move to the next day if not closed by midnight

    • Repeat - Ticket will reoccur daily. 

  • Special Info - Additional information

  • Internal Notes - Information for staff only

  • Assigned To - Responsible Party; individual or department (when left blank)

Service Option - Settings

  • Required - Data must be entered in the field to create the ticket.

  • Default Previous Service - By default, use the value entered from the previous service.

  • Internal - Feature deprecated and no longer in use. Disregard and leave disabled. 

  • Required to Close Ticket - Data must be entered in this field before the ticket can be closed. If applying this setting to a checklist, the user must complete all steps before closing the ticket.

  • Visible in Summary & Include in Summary - Select both checkboxes to have the data entered in the Service Option show on the ticket dashboard view. 

When a Data Type is selected, additional settings may appear.
The table below defines Data Types and additional settings available for each.
Commonly used data types are highlighted in blue.

Data Type

Additional Settings

Check - Checkbox field


Contact - Vendor contact field. Allows users to add a vendor from Local. 

Tags - Feature deprecated and no longer in use.

Category - Feature deprecated and no longer in use.

Default Value - Assign a default vendor automatically populates in the field. (Ex: It can be used for Transportation tickets to auto populate a property’s preferred transportation vendor)

Date - Date field


Do Not Autofill “ASAP” - Prompts users to set a date rather than having the field auto populate with “ASAP”. 

Date and Time - Date and Time field

Do Not Autofill “ASAP” - Prompts users to set a date and time rather than having the field auto populate with “ASAP”. 

** Best Practice - Enable BOTH of the options below when using “Date and Time” Data Type. **

Service Option Controls Due Date - Associates this field with the ticket due date. 

Due Date Controls Service Option - Allows the due date to influence the ticket via escalations, alerts, notifications, and so forth. 

Use case: Applicable to Concierge/Guest Services tickets (ex: restaurant reservations)

Information - Feature deprecated and no longer in use.


Number - Numeric value field. (No letters or special characters)

Default Value - Choose a value to auto populate in the field when it is the commonly entered value.
(Ex: If a Service has a default cost of $40 you can set ‘40’ as the default value to have it auto populate.)

Photo (Multi) - Photo uploader 

Not applicable

Select Multi - Feature deprecated and no longer in use.


Select One- Feature deprecated and no longer in use.


Text - Basic free text field. The character limit is 4,096

Multi Line - Enable a larger text field to improve the way the text appears visually. Character Limit - 4,096

Time - Time of day field 

Do Not Autofill “ASAP” - Prompts users to set a time rather than having the field auto populate with “ASAP”. 

Checklist - List of tasks or items to be marked as conforming, deficient, or n/a. 

Review Add or Edit Checklists to learn more.

Enable Check All Button - Enables the option in mobile to check or uncheck all checklist items. 

Enable Weight for Items - Allows Admins to associate weighted scores to checklist items. Weighted scores calculate success rates in percentage (%).

Use case: Enable both of the options above for Housekeeping Inspections.

Select One - Option - Dropdown field. It enables the user to choose one option from the dropdown. 

Add - Add options for the dropdown list. (Must select “Add” to add additional lines)

Add List - Allows Admins to add multiple items at once. Separate items with a comma (,).

Default Value - Choose a value from the list to auto populate in the field when it is the commonly chosen value.

To order the dropdown list, drag and drop the options to the desired order.

Select Multi - Option - Dropdown field. Choose multiple options from the dropdown. 

Add- Add options for the dropdown list. (Must select “Add” to add additional lines)

Add List - Allows Admins to add multiple items at once. Separate items with a comma (,).

Default Value - Choose a value from the list to auto populate in the field when it is the commonly chosen value.

To order the dropdown list, drag and drop the options to the desired order.

Credit Card - Credit card information field. Must be enabled by ALICE support . 


Phone - Contact number field. 


Inventory Item - Inventory Item dropdown field

Inventory: Select an Inventory (Logbook) from the dropdown. 

Inventory Item Type: Select an Inventory Item Type in the dropdown. 

Use case: Applicable strictly to create associate tickets to equipment for accounts that have purchased Preventative Maintenance. 

Add Service Options


  1. Select a Facility from the menu on the left. Remember that Services are nested within Facilities, so choose one that is relevant to the Service you are creating. Information about the Facility you select will populate in the center of the screen

  2. Scroll down to the Services section. 

  3. Within the Services section, find the “Service Options” box. Select “Add Option”.

  4. Name the Service Option. This will be the label for the field as it appears on the guest or internal request. Consider wording that is clear, concise, and easily understood by staff. 

  5. Select a Data Type from the dropdown. Review the settings and enable any that are to be applied to this Service Option. 

  6. Select “Create” to save the new Service Option.

To reorder the Service Options, select “Sort”. Then drag and drop the Service Options into the desired order. 



Edit Service Options


  1. Select the Service Option to edit. Once selected, the edit window will appear. 

  2. Make changes as needed, then select “Update” to save. 

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