Weekly Overview (fka Hotel Metrics)

Weekly Overview (fka Hotel Metrics)

The weekly overview shows metrics around the property’s general activity for the past week. 

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Reports” tab.

  • Access to “View” Reports.

Things to Consider

  • Time filter defaults to “Last 7 Days”. Change the timeframe using the dropdown.


  • This report is available to customers who have purchased Service Delivery, Guest Services, and Preventative Mainteance only.

Terms & Definitions

Top 15 Tickets Created

Lists the 15 most commonly created tickets for the timeframe presented.

Total Time to Accept Tickets

Measures response time - time it takes for a user to accept a ticket once it is created.

Total Labor Time

Measures the time the ticket has been in progress.

Total Time to Complete Tickets

Measures the time between a ticket being accepted and closed.

All Tickets Created by Weekday

Number of tickets created each day of the week.

All Tickets Created by Hour

Number of tickets created each hour of the day.

All Tickets Created by Department

Number of tickets grouped by Facility

Guest Service Delivery Snapshot

 Record of ticket details

Ticket ID: This is an identification number that enables a user to find the ticket in the ALICE search box in the main ticket screen.

Ticket Created Date: the date the ticket was created

Guest Name: The guest’s full name

Facility Name: The department name

Service Name: The name of the ticket

Request Details: The details filled out in the ticket fields


Special Info (if applicable)

Maintenance Location Trends

Location and details of engineering tickets.


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