Set Return Later (Web)

Set Return Later (Web)

Manage the timing for rooms that will need to be returned to at a later time due to any type of room skip from the room boards.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Rooms” tab.

  • Access to “Edit” Assignment and Priorities in Rooms (Room Assignment).

Things to Consider

  • When the time has been set to return to a room, the time will display on both web and mobile room board/list views.

  • To edit a “Return Later” time, change the room status to dirty, then back to the “Return Later” status and choose a new time.


  1. Right click a room to display room details.

  2. Select a “skip” workflow status. This could be DND, Return Later, or any other status set up as a skip.

  3. Enter the time that the RA should return to the room. Then, select Save. 


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