Add, Edit, or Delete a Saved Filter

Add, Edit, or Delete a Saved Filter

Using ALICE to its full potential means creating a lot of tickets. When the ticket list gets crowded, the search and filter options are a great way to find specific subsets of tickets. For common searches, rather than using the search and filter settings each time you view the ticket list, consider using Saved Filters.

Saved Filters make it easy to keep commonly used ticket lists available to users in a single click. Saved Filters can be created on a user-by-user basis, or shared with teams.

Saved Filters are located to the left side of the ticket tab, under the calendar. 


User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

To share Saved Filters with teams, users must be a Hotel Admin

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to the “Ticket List” tab.

  • Access to “View” tickets.

Users with “View” access will also receive notifications for unassigned tickets.

Things to Consider

  • Saved Filters are available on the ALICE Staff app (mobile).

  • It is not necessary to select an option for each filter field.

  • Saved Filters are user-specific and therefore will only be visible to the individual who created them unless they have been shared. The “Share With” field is only available to users with Hotel Admin user type.

Jump to “Create a Saved Filter

Jump to “Edit a Saved Filter

Jump to “Delete a Saved Filter

Saved Filter Definitions

This section of the article provides definitions for each option available to set up your search criteria.

Filter Field


Filter Field



Name of the Saved Filter. This will be the way the Saved Filter is identified on the list view on web and in the dropdown on mobile.


Set the Saved Filter as the ticket list default view.


Determine if this Saved Filter will display tickets that fit the criteria on the ticket list (Show) or remove the tickets that fit the criteria from the ticket list (Hide).


Select a Facility to see all tickets that fall under the Facility type.


Select a Service to see all tickets that fall under the Service type.


Open: Filter tickets with a workflow status equal to “open”. (Ex: “New”, “Requested”, “Pending”)

Closed: Filter tickets with a workflow status equal to “closed”. (Ex: “Confirmed”, “Cancelled”)


Filter tickets associated with a specific vendor from the Local tab.

Requested By

Guest: Requests that guests have created through a guest app.

Staff: Tickets created by ALICE users.

Requested For

Filter tickets by guest requests (Guest) or internal requests (Staff).

Assigned To

Filter tickets by user in the “Assignee” field.

Created By

Filter tickets by user who created the ticket.

Date Range

Filter tickets list to the current date (Today) or see all existing tickets created (All Time).


Use this field to keyword search the ticket list.


Enable if the list should only include tickets that have been escalated.

Share With

Only available to users with Hotel Admin user type assigned.

Not Shared: Only accessible to the user creating.

Specific Departments: Accessible to any user with access to “View” tickets (via Roles) in the Facility selected.

Property: Accessible to any user within the property User List (via Manage Users).

Create a Saved Filter



  1. Select “+Add”.

2. Enter a name for the Saved Filter. This is the name that displays in the list to the left of the screen and on the dropdown on mobile.

3. Use the filter fields to build the Saved Filter. Some fields allow for multiple options to be selected.

4. Select “Create” to save.

Edit a Saved Filter


  1. Hover your mouse on the Saved Filter and select the gear icon to the right.

  2. Edit the filter fields as needed.

  3. Select “Save” to update the filter.

Delete Saved Filter


The following steps guide you through deleting an existing Saved Filter.

  1. Hover your mouse on the Saved Filter and select the gear icon to the right.

  2. Select “Delete”. 

  3. Reconfirm in the popup message by selecting “Delete”.


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