The ALICE product team is committed to continuous improvement. Check out these recent releases to make sure you’re getting the most out of your ALICE account!
February 2023
On the Rooms Tab on web, users can now update the housekeeping task (clean type), rush room status, and/or the room status in bulk by selecting multiple rooms and updating the field. “Multiple” will display if the task types, rush status, or room status are different in the rooms selected.
January 2023
On mobile, Room attendants can now see both Due Out and Due In guest reservation information for the rooms that are assigned to them.
December 2022
Filter the list of Unassigned Rooms, then use Auto-Assign and the Auto-Assign will now assign rooms based on that filtered list of rooms.
Added the ability to expand a ticket to see ticket details directly from the SMS/Chat tab. Simply right-click on any ticket and a new ticket details page will appear as a pop-up.
November 2022
Multi-select rooms from any room attendant board in to expedite updates - Use Shift + Click to select consecutive rooms or Ctrl/Command + Click to select non-consecutive rooms from any board. Then drag and drop to any room attendant board to reassign. This improvement only includes the ability to multi-select from room boards, not from both room boards and the unassigned rooms section.
Updated Icons - Updated email and chat icons. These updates remove the duplicated email icon in the Tickets tab.
Room Attendant Search - Select “Manage Staff” in the Rooms tab from ALICE Desktop (web) and check out the new search feature to help find room attendants more quickly and easily. This is especially useful for hotels with large lists of room attendants. Search for whole names or simply begin typing to find partial matches. Any room attendants names that match the search will be highlighted in the list view.
Pinned Notes
Internal Notes in Tickets
Checklist Items
Hyperlinks are only accessible on ALICE Desktop (web).
Room Boards (Web) - Added a column for the status “Skip” so that housekeeping coordinators and managers have visibility into the number of rooms assigned a workflow state that is a “Skip” state.
Guest Tab/Data Retention Policy - An indicator was added to the Guest Tab so that any user with access to the guest tab is aware when the Data Retention Policy is enabled and active and has visibility into what the retention time period is. Learn more about the Data Retention Period.
Mobile Improvements - Mobile Rooms will populate a message of “No Rooms Yet” to make it clear when a blank screen is intended.
Internal Notes - Internal Notes allows teams to communicate important, real-time information about rooms being serviced by Housekeeping teams, from within ALICE.
Photos Improvement - Photos on ALICE Staff App can be enlarged by using the pinch-out gesture (to zoom in) and pinch-in gesture (to zoom out).
Turndown - Turndown is now available to ALICE Housekeeping customers. With Turndown, Managers/Coordinators will be able to toggle the Housekeeping Rooms Tab from AM to PM where they can assign and manage evening staff boards.