Housekeeping Tasks are the types of cleanings performed on rooms by room attendants. Some examples of Housekeeping tasks are "Stayover Clean, Change Sheets, Checkout". 

Housekeeping tasks are not the same as Room Statuses. Room Statuses provide information on the Room Attendant's progress on the room.

Once the Housekeeping Tasks have been created, Schedule Housekeeping Task Rules.

(blue star) User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel Admin User Type access.

(lightbulb) Things to Consider

Jump to “Add a Housekeeping Task

Jump to “Edit a Housekeeping Task

Add a Housekeeping Task

(blue star) Steps

  1. Select “Room Attendant” from the ALICE Admin menu.

  2. Select “Housekeeping Tasks”

  3. Use the Facility dropdown to select “Room Assignment”.

  4. Select “Add”.

  5. Enter a name and an abbreviation for the Housekeeping Task.

  6. Select an “ALICE Task Type” from the dropdown.

  7. The icon field will auto-populate based on the ALICE Task Type selected.

  8. Select “Save”.

Edit a Housekeeping Task

(blue star) Steps

  1. Select “Room Attendant” from the ALICE Admin menu.

  2. Select “Housekeeping Tasks”

  3. Use the Facility dropdown to select “Room Assignment”.

  4. Select a Housekeeping Task from the list, then select “Edit”

  5. Update the fields as needed, then select “Save”.

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