Edit or Delete Repeating Tickets

Edit or Delete Repeating Tickets

Use the Repeating Ticket Manager located in the upper-left corner of the ticket screen to edit or cancel repeating tickets. Learn more about Scheduling a Repeating Ticket.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to the “Ticket List” tab.

  • Access to “View” under Tickets.


Things to Consider

  • There is no way to edit the repeating cadence on a ticket. The repetitions must be canceled/deleted. Once the repetitions are removed, follow the instructions to schedule a repeating ticket.

  • It is possible to edit individual ticket details. To do so, select the individual ticket from the ticket list and select edit. Editing the ticket details on an individual ticket (not using the Repeating Ticket Manager) will save those changes to the individual ticket only.

  • To edit the ticket details of all tickets within a repetition, use the Repeating Ticket Manager.

Jump to “Edit Ticket Details via Repeating Ticket Manager

Jump to “Delete a Repeating Ticket via Repeating Ticket Manager

Edit Ticket Details via Repeating Ticket Manager


  1. Select the Repeating Ticket Manager icon.

  2. Locate the repeating ticket template that needs to be edited. The search bar provides filter criteria to help locate the ticket.

  3. Select “Edit” next to the ticket repetition.

  4. Add or change ticket details as needed. Note that you will not be able to edit the repetition cadence. The repetition must be canceled and a new one can be created.

  5. Select “Save” on the lower-right corner of the window.

  6. Next, select an option to apply the changes.
    Cancel: Cancel actions and return to the ticket list.

    All Open Tickets: Apply the changes to all existing repeating tickets that are not in a “closed” status.  

    Only New Tickets: Apply the changes to any new tickets that will be generated in the future.

Delete a Repeating Ticket via Repeating Ticket Manager


  1. Select the Repeating Ticket Manager icon. 

  2. Locate the repeating ticket template that needs to be edited. The search bar provides filter criteria to help locate the ticket.

  3. Select “Edit” next to the ticket repetition.

  4. Select “Cancel Repetition”, located on the lower-right corner of the window.

  5. Next, select an option to apply the changes.
    Cancel: Cancel actions and return to the ticket list.

    Delete Tickets: Delete all past and future open/new tickets. Tickets that have an updated workflow status or that are marked as “closed” will not be deleted.

    Keep Tickets: Retain existing tickets regardless of workflow status. No new tickets will be generated in the future.


Edit/Cancel Repeating Tickets - Video

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