Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete Roles

Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete Roles

Roles control user access to tabs and actions within ALICE. Create a Role per job type or department on property and apply them to user profiles. Roles can be created on an individual property level or a group level.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel User Admin User Type access.

Things to Consider

  • Multiple Role templates can be applied to a single user.

  • Users without a Role applied will receive an “Access Denied” error message upon login.

  • Roles can be created on the property level or the group level. A group level Role must be applied to users who will need to access multiple properties in the group. An individual property level Role can be applied to users who only need access to one property.

  • Some Roles you create in ALICE will be very similar to others with only minor changes. In this case, consider copying Roles as you are creating them rather than creating a new one each time. This function is intended to save you time as you set up Roles for the first time, or are building out new Roles for your teams. 

  • To provide or restrict user access to tabs in ALICE, enable or disable the checkboxes within the Tabs section.

  • To learn more about Room Assignment Mobile Tabs permissions and Rooms (Room Assignment) permissions, review the following articles:

  • To provide or restrict user access to Facilities, enable or disable the checkboxes for Add, View, Edit, Close, or Assign for each Facility within the “Tickets” section. To maintain the integrity of data, it is not recommended to grant anyone access to “Delete”.
    Note: Users with “View” access will receive notifications for any tickets within that Facility unless the Facility has been muted within the user profile.

  • To view permission settings for OpenTable and Credit Cards, these settings must be first be enabled in the account. Please reach out to support@actabl.com for assistance.

  • To provide or restrict user access to guest reservation details, enable or disable the checkboxes within the Guest Information section.

  • To provide or restrict user access to vendor information from the Local tab, enable or disable the checkboxes within the Vendors/Contacts section.

  • To send mass messages to groups of property guests, a user must have access to “Broadcast” within the Guest Messaging section.

  • To view reports, a user must be granted access to both the Reports tab and “View” access within the Reports section.

Jump to “Add Roles

Jump to “Edit Roles

Jump to “Copy Roles

Jump to “Delete Roles

Add Roles


  1. Access “Roles” from the ALICE Admin menu.

  2. Select “Add Role”.

  3. Name the Role.

  4. Configure the Role by selecting the checkboxes within each section as needed.

  5. Select “Save”

Create a naming convention to keep Role templates organized and clear. Consider the following naming convention: Area of Operation - Job Role/General Position - Property Name/Group Name

FOH - Concierge - ABC Lux Properties

BOH - Engineer - ABC Hotel

MGMT - General Manager- ABC Signature Select

Edit Roles


  1. Select the Role that requires changes. 

  2. Select “Edit Role”.

  3. Update Role by selecting or deselecting checkboxes as needed. 

  4. Select “Save”.

Copy Roles


  1. Select a Role that you would like to copy. 

  2. Select “Copy Role”.

  3. A banner will appear at the top of the Role window to indicate that you are working within a copy. 

  4. Rename the Role to avoid having duplicates in the list view. 

  5. Make changes to the Roles template as needed. 

  6. Select “Save”

Delete Roles

Before deleting any role in ALICE, it is important to know which users will be affected. Deleted Roles will automatically be removed from any user profiles. Users will get locked out of ALICE if they do not have a role assigned to their profile.

  1. Navigate to “Manage Users” in Admin and filter the user list by Hotel Name (when applicable; if you are using ALICE on a single property, this field will not appear.)

  2. Use the “Roles” dropdown to filter the Role that is being deleted.
    This will populate a list of users that will be affected by the deletion. 

  3. Select users that will need to be updated by using the checkbox to the left of the usernames.

  4. Select “Manage Roles”

  5. Add a Role to users as needed. 

Be sure that each user has AT LEAST ONE Role applied. Users that do not have a Role applied to their profile will be denied access to ALICE until one has been applied. 

If you have deleted the Role without completing the steps above, filter “Roles” to “No Assigned Role” to view any users without a Role applied.


  1. Select the Role to be deleted.

  2. Select “Delete Role”. This will remove the Role from the Roles List as well as from any users it was applied to. 

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