Tickets Tab

Tickets Tab

Tickets Overview

Tickets in ALICE are the general term for Guest Requests and Internal Requests. The Tickets Tab consolidates all tickets into an organized list view where they are grouped by due date and time.

Things to Consider

  • Tickets can be accessed on the ALICE Staff app (mobile) for accounts that have purchased Service Delivery, Housekeeping, and/or Preventative Maintenance. Tickets - Mobile puts the power of ALICE in the hands of users who are always on the go.

  • Settings changes made to the ticket list via the gear icon are on a per-user basis. The changes will only be visible to the user who made the change, not all users.

  • Alerts can be set from the ticket list by selecting the bell icon, then selecting an alert time. (Alert times are relative to the ticket due date). When a ticket alerts, it will turn red or flash red on the ticket list.

  • View the ticket history to see a complete log of changes related to the ticket. Select the Ticket History Icon to view.

Best Practices 

  • The Calendar view is a great way to jump to specific dates or get an at-a-glance view of dates that have open tickets outstanding.  Red dots on the calendar indicate open tickets on those dates. Encourage staff to review the calendar at the start of each day to follow up on any open items. (If the action item requires multiple days to complete, consider enabling “Roll Over”. Click here to learn more.  

  • Leverage search and filter functionality to update the ticket list to a preferred view. For search criteria accessed often, consider building a saved filter.

    Time Filter: The ticket list will default to “Today” to give teams visibility in to tickets with due dates equal to today’s date. Toggle to “All Time” to see all existing tickets.

    Search Bar: Keyword search any field in the ticket details.

    Advanced Filters: Use the Filters dropdown to use additional filter criteria including Guest Name, Room/Location, Custom Dates, Created On Dates, Departments/Facilities, Services, Workflow Status, Vendor, Assignee, Creator, Editor, or Escalation Status.

    Status Filter: Toggle between “Open”, “Closed”, and “All” tickets.

  • Compact View allows users to see more of their relevant ticket information at a glance. Located at the top left of the screen, the gear icon displays your settings menu where you can select the checkbox to enable or disable Compact View. When enabled, ticket-workflow statuses will be abbreviated to the first initial.

  • Enable “Background Color” to color the tickets on the ticket list according to the workflow status applied.



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