Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What information does support need to help me with my question?

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Steps to Reproduce/Screenshots

How can I request Custom Work?

Custom Itineraries, Confirmation Letters, and Reports can be built upon request. There may be an additional fee associated with custom work. Fees are assessed by the support team at the time of the request.

See Request Custom Work


How can I turn off notifications for certain ticket types?

It is possible to turn off notifications for tickets within specific facilities. The first option is to remove their “View” access to that facility within “Roles”. See Edit Roles

When users need access to view tickets within a Facility, but do not need to receive notifications for the tickets within the facility, mute the Facility for the user by adding it to the Muted Facilities dropdown in the user profile. See Add or Edit Users Individually, step 16.

How can I make sure I’m being notified about tickets assigned to me?

Check the setting in the user profile for “Alert Me On Assigned Tickets”. This setting, when enabled, allows ALICE to send a push notification to the user’s mobile device when that user has been added as an assignee on the ticket. 

Can I be notified about tickets that are unassigned in Facilities I have access to?

Check the setting in the user profile for “Alert Me On Unassigned Tickets In My Facilities” This setting, when enabled, allows ALICE to send a push notification to the user’s mobile device when the ticket is “unassigned”, if the user has been granted permissions in the associated facility.

How do I adjust my mobile notifications?

Notification settings can be found in the device settings and within ALICE Staff App (Mobile) menu. See Things to Consider under ALICE Staff App (Mobile) Overview for more information.

Account Help

I’m locked out of ALICE! What do I do now?

Users will be locked out of an account after 10 failed login attempts. Once a user is locked out, they must contact a Hotel Admin or Hotel User Admin to unlock their account. See Unlock Users

How do I change my password?

Use the “Forgot Password” Link if the user has an email associated with their user profile.

If the user does not have an email associated with their user profile, the password can be reset to a temporary password by a Hotel Admin or Hotel User Admin. See Reset User Password

How do I add a new user?

Only Hotel Admins or Hotel User Admins can add new users to the account. New users can be added individually or in bulk with a template. See Add or Edit Users.

Why don’t I have access to … ?

If you do not have access to an area you feel you should have access to, contact a Hotel Admin or Hotel User Admin on property to discuss changing your access levels.

There are 3 elements to troubleshoot for access issues:

  1. User Type

  2. Roles

  3. User Profile Settings

There are three User Types in ALICE.

Employee: Access to the front end of ALICE. Restricts access from ALICE Admin. 

Hotel_User_Admin: Access to only User associated sections of ALICE Admin including “Manage Users”, “Roles” and password policies.

Hotel_Admin: Full Access to ALICE Admin menu. 
See Add or Edit Users, step 12.

Roles control the level of access you have to facilities and tabs as an employee. See Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete Roles

To gain access to message templates, enable the user settings found in the user profile.

How Do I…?

How can I update the locations within my hotel?

Locations are used throughout ALICE to provide more information about the physical space related to tickets, guest reservations, housekeeping tasks, and inventory items.

Only Hotel Admins can make changes to the locations that have been loaded to the account. Locations can be added or edited through ALICE Admin. See Add or Edit Location Groups and Locations

Can I import a list of vendors to the Local tab?

No, preferred vendors must be added individually. New vendors can be added to the ALICE account via the Local tab or added to tickets, where their information will then be available in the Local tab. See Add or Edit Vendors

How do I link my OpenTable account?

A Hotel Admin or Hotel User Admin can add a OpenTable username and special requests to the ALICE user profile to link an ALICE account to OpenTable. The user must also be granted access via the Role assigned.


Manage Users



How can I create an OpenTable reservation?

Once an account has been linked to OpenTable, the user will have access to an “OpenTable” button next to any vendor fields within a ticket. See Add, Edit, or Cancel and OpenTable Reservation

How can I update or change an Itinerary or Confirmation Letter?

Itineraries and Confirmation Letters can be customized by ALICE Staff. See Request Custom Work.

How do I create a new Facility?

Customers are not permitted to create new facilities. Please contact support@actabl.com or your Customer Success Manager at csm@actabl.com to discuss options.

How do I create a new Service or Service Option?

Hotel Admins can self-manage the services and service options within the account. These actions take place in ALICE Admin within facilities. See Add or Edit Services and/or Add or Edit Service Options.

Guest Messaging

How can I add or change a message template?

For accounts using SMS, Hotel Admins and Hotel User Admins with Message Template permissions granted can update the message templates. See Add or Edit Message Templates

WhatsApp message templates must go through a Twilio approval process prior to being used in ALICE. Work with your Customer Success Manager to make updates to WhatsApp templates after launch.

How do I block or unblock a number?

A phone number can be blocked or unblocked by a Hotel Admin. See Block a Guest Number. However, if I guest opts out of communication there is not an option to “unblock” the number.



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