Account Setup
Your property champions will work together with our Customer Success Specialists to configure your account according to your unique operational standards.
Learn about User Management in ALICE
Learn about access and permissions in ALICE. This information will be useful as you configure Roles and add new users to your account during the launch process.
Review User Management Video
Configure Roles
Set permission standards on property that are applied across the ALICE platform to control access for staff. ALICE provides a default set of Roles that can be customized and configured according to your unique staff hierarchy and operations.
Batch Add Users
ALICE has an unlimited user model to encourage collaboration and cross-departmental communication. Add your entire property staff to ALICE via the user loader.
Add Property Locations
Locations are used throughout ALICE to provide more information about the physical space related to tickets, guest reservations, housekeeping tasks, and inventory items.
During your property launch, our Customer Success Specialists can assist you in importing a list of your property locations in bulk. Provide your property-specific information to your Customer Success Specialist via the Location Loader intake form.
Intake Video
Import Checklists
During your property launch, our Customer Success Specialists can assist you in importing your existing checklists into ALICE. Provide this information to your Customer Success Specialist via the Checklist Loader intake form.
Integrating ALICE with your PMS? It’s critical to get this process started early to keep your launch timeline on track.
Download the ALICE Staff App
The ALICE Staff App is available for properties that have purchased the following products:
ALICE Service Delivery
ALICE Preventative Maintenance
ALICE Housekeeping