Add SMS Confirmation Message Template

Add SMS Confirmation Message Template

In this article we cover how to add an SMS Confirmation template for your property. SMS Confirmation templates allow you to confirm dining reservations, events, and anything that has a ticket in ALICE with one click. Just click on the SMS Confirmation button and then click send.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least ‘Hotel Admin’ or ‘Hotel User Admin’ User Type access.

The user must also have the following setting enabled within their User profile:

  • Can Manage Chat Message Templates


  1. Navigate to Navigate to Admin > Messaging > Message Templates

  2. Click on Add Message Template

  3. Fill in Message Template Name, we recommend using this naming convention [Service] - SMS Confirmation

  4. For Message Templates Scope, select Service

  5. For Service, select the desired service

  6. For Message Templates Type, select SMSConfirmation

  7. For the SMS Template body, we recommend using tags as outlined in this article.

Restaurant Reservation - SMS Confirmation Template Sample:

What Admin sees in ALICE configuration:
Dear {First}, we are happy to confirm your dining reservation with {vendor-name}. Please see your reservation details below:
Number in Party: {value-of=[Number in Party]}
Date and Time: {due "MMMM d, yyyy"} at {due "h:mm a"}
Address: {vendor-address}
Website: {vendor-web}

What Guest sees on their mobile:
Dear John, we are happy to confirm your dining reservation with Suerte. Please see your reservation details below:
Party Size: 2
Date and Time: July 22, 2022 at 6pm
Address: 1800 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702
Website: Suerte: East Austin

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