Add, Edit, or Delete Guest Credit Card Information

ALICE is a PCI-compliant system that provides a safe and secure way to store one or multiple credit card numbers per guest.

Definition of PCI

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was developed to encourage and enhance cardholder data (CHD) security and facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures globally. PCI DSS provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect account data. PCI DSS applies to all entities involved in payment card processing—including merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and service providers. PCI DSS also applies to all other entities that store, process or transmit CHD and/or sensitive authentication data (SAD). (Source)

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to the “Ticket List” and “Guests” tab.

  • To manage Credit Card information from Guests tab, access to “Add”, “View”, “Edit” and “Contact Info” in Guest Information.

  • To manage Credit Card information from a ticket, access to “Add”, “View” Tickets.

  • Access to “Manage” Credit Cards.

Things to Consider

  • “Credit Card Storage” must be enabled by ALICE Staff. Please contact to discuss enabling this feature. It is enabled on a per property basis and cannot be enabled on the group level.

  • CVV information will be automatically deleted from ALICE after 14 days regardless of the last time it was viewed. CVV cannot be updated/edited within this 14 day period once saved. Once it has been entered and saved, it must expire (14 days) before a new number can be entered.

  • PAN numbers cannot be edited and do not expire. Credit Cards will need to be deleted and re-entered in order for a PAN number to be edited.

  • Credit card numbers will be deleted from ALICE if not accessed for 120 days.

  • ALICE recommends setting up a strong password policy for added security prior to enabling credit card storage.

  • To use a guest’s credit card information within a Guest Request ticket, the Service must be configured with Service Option where Credit Card is selected as the Data Type. This action can be performed by Hotel Admin user types only. Learn more about how to Add or Edit Service Options.

Jump to “Add a Credit Card

Jump to “Edit a Credit Card

Jump to “Delete a Credit Card

Add a Credit Card


From the Guests tab

Select a guest reservation to open the reservation details.
Select “Edit” within the reservation record details. Then, select “Add Card”.

From the Tickets tab

Select “+ Guest Request” to initiate a new ticket. Select a guest and a Service with a Credit Card Service Option. If there is not a Credit Card available for the guest, the option to “Add Card” will appear.


  1. Fill in the credit card details.

  2. Use the “Notes” field to record any additional information necessary to track. For example, A guest may request certain credit cards be used for certain types of charges.

  3. Select “Add” then select “Save”

Edit a Credit Card


From the Guests tab:

  1. Select a guest reservation to open the reservation details.

  2. Select “Edit” within the reservation record details.

  3. Scroll down until you find the credit card. 

  4. To edit or view the credit card, select “Edit/View”. 

  5. Enter the ALICE user password as directed.

  6. To view hidden information, select the eye icon.

  7. Make changes to the credit card number or expiration date as needed. Note that CVV/PAN number cannot be edited once it has been saved. CVV numbers will expire after 14 days at which point a new number can be entered. PAN numbers cannot be edited. Delete and re-add the card to make changes to credit cards using a PAN.

  8. Select “Update” to save.

Delete a Credit Card


From the Guests tab:

  1. Select a guest reservation to open the reservation details. Use the search bar to quickly navigate to the reservation.

  2. Select “Edit” within the reservation record details.

  3. Scroll down until you find the credit card. 

  4. To remove the credit card completely from ALICE, select the trash icon.

  5. Confirm its deletion in the next popup by selecting “Delete”.

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