Add or Remove Extra Room Items - Web

Add or Remove Extra Room Items - Web

When additional items are requested and dispatched to rooms, it can be difficult to keep track of where they are located on property. The ability to add Extra Room Items to rooms in ALICE gives staff greater visibility into what items are currently in use and where those items are located on property. Extra Room Items can be added to rooms both on ALICE Desktop (web) and ALICE Staff App (mobile). Review Add Extra Room Items - Mobile to learn more.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Rooms” tab.

Things to Consider

  • Extra Room Items must be configured in the ALICE account prior to being able to add the items to individual rooms. Review Configure Extra Room Items to learn more.

  • When Extra Room Items can also be viewed from the Logbook. Once items have been added to a room, the location is viewable on the Extra Room Items Logbook in the Room # or Location column.

  • Items added and removed from rooms are tracked in Room History.

  • Extra Room Items must be added and removed manually. Items will are never automatically removed from rooms.

  • Search for the location of items in the Rooms tab using the Spotlight feature (for assigned rooms) or the Filters (for unassigned rooms).




  1. Right-click a room from the Rooms tab to access room details.

  2. Select “Add” in the Items section.

  3. Select an item type from the dropdown. If all the items available in inventory are in use, the item type will be disabled.

To remove an item from a room, simply select the “x” on the item within room details.

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