Anonymize Individual Guest Reservation

Anonymize Individual Guest Reservation

ALICE’s data anonymization tool allows Hotel Admin users to remove the reservation information for individual reservations via the Guest Tab.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel Admin User Type access.

Things to Consider

  • Bulk data anonymization from the Guest tab is not available.


  1. Search for a reservation by confirmation #, last name, etc.

  2. Select the reservation to open reservation details. 

  3. Select the Trash Can icon. 

  4. Select either option provided.
    Remove Profile Only - The reservation information will be removed from the Guests Tab. Any tickets, Messaging conversations, and itineraries will remain available and guest reservation information will be visible in these spaces.
    Delete All Profile Data - The reservation information will be removed from the Guest Tab. Any associated items in ALICE (tickets, messaging conversations, Itineraries, and other data) will be deleted and irretrievable. 

A confirmation message will appear to show that the data has been successfully removed. 

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