Housekeeping DND / Refused Service Report

Housekeeping DND / Refused Service Report

View a count of DND and Service Refusals.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Reports” tab.

  • Access to “View” Reports.

Things to Consider

  • Time filter defaults to “Yesterday”. Change the timeframe using the dropdown.

  • This report is available to customers who have purchased Housekeeping only.

Terms & Definitions

Number of DND Rooms

View the total number of rooms with a DND workflow status applied.

Rooms Assigned

View the total number of rooms assigned

Percent of Rooms Marked DND

View the percent of rooms marked DND (Number of rooms with a DND workflow status ÷ Total number of rooms assigned)

DND List of Rooms

List of rooms that have a DND workflow status with a timestamp of when the room was placed into a DND or Refuse status.

DND Count Per Room

List of rooms with a DND status and the number of consecutive days the room has been DND.

Number of Refused Rooms

View the total number of rooms with a “Refuse” workflow status applied.

Rooms Assigned

View the total number of rooms assigned

Percent of Rooms Marked Refused

View the percent of rooms marked refused (Number of rooms with a workflow status like “refuse” - Ex: “Guest Refused”, “Service Refused” ÷ Total number of rooms assigned).

Houskeeping - DND/ Refused Service - Refused List

List of rooms that have a DND workflow status or a status like “refuse” - Ex: “Guest Refused, “Service Refused” with a timestamp of when the room was placed into a DND or Refuse status.


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