QR Code Audit Log

QR Code Audit Log

The QR Code Audit Log is a default report available to customers who have purchased ALICE Preventative Maintenance. 

This report lists the time and date each equipment item was last scanned to help validate that engineering staff is physically traveling to the equipment assets on property to perform Preventative Maintenance tasks.  

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Employee User Type access.

The user must also have the following settings within “Roles” enabled”

  • Access to “Reports” tab.

  • Access to “View” Reports.

Things to Consider

  • Time filter defaults to Last 30 Days. Change the timeframe using the dropdown.

  • This report is available to customers who have purchased Preventative Maintenance only.

  • QR Codes are linked to equipment items not individual tickets associated with equipment items. Whenever a QR Code is scanned, any/all associated tickets will populate on the QR Code Summary Report. 

Terms & Definitions

Equipment Name

Sum of the credits assigned per room attendant.

PM Ticket ID

The unique ALICE indentifier for the scheduled PM Ticket associated with the equipment asset scanned.

Due Date

The due date listed on the PM Ticket associated with the equipment scanned.

PM Service

The ticket type - “Service” - selected on the ticket associated with the equipment scanned.

Assigned To

The individual assignee listed on the ticket associated with the equipment scanned. If there is not a specific assignee listed, the Assigned To field will display “Unassigned”.

Scanned By

Lists the user logged in to the device which scanned the QR code.

Date QR Scanned

The date the device scanned the QR Code.

Time QR Scanned

The time (24:00) that the QR Code was scanned by the device.


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