Housekeeping Ticket Automation

Housekeeping Ticket Automation

This feature allows ALICE Housekeeping customers to configure rules to generate specific tickets automatically, based on a guest reservation status.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel Admin User Type access.

Things to Consider

  • Do not choose a service that contains required fields, unless that field has a set default value. For convenience, ALICE generates an error message if the service contains a required field. In case you still wish to select the service, edit those fields within the service to be optional or add a default value.

  • Automatic ticket creation can only be triggered by Reservation Status changes and it is not possible to delay the ticket. For example, the minibar ticket will generate when the PMS Status changes to “Checked Out”.


  1. Select “Tickets” from the ALICE Admin menu.

  2. Select “Ticket Automation”

  3. Select “Add”

  4. Enter Ticket Automation details.
    Automation Name: Enter a name to identify this Ticket Automation rule.
    Suggested Naming Convention: {Hotel Name} - {Automation Details} - Ticket Automation

    When: The reservation status “Checked Out”, which usually comes from the PMS, is selected by default. 

    Changes to: Select a reservation status from the dropdown to act as a trigger to generate the tickets.

    Facility and Service: Select a facility and a service.

    New Service: Select “+New Service” and repeat steps A-D to automatically generate additional tickets for other service categories. Skip this option if not needed.

  5. Select “Save” to add the automation rule.

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