Add or Edit Housekeeping Credits

Add or Edit Housekeeping Credits

Credits can be assigned to Housekeeping Tasks per Room Type to track room attendant workloads as room boards are built and maintained.

User Type & Roles

To perform this action in ALICE, the user must have at least Hotel Admin User Type access.

Things to Consider

  • Room Types must first be set up as Location Groups before Housekeeping Credits can be added.

  • Once Room Types are configured within Location Groups, they will populate automatically within Credits.

  • Set a credit limit for room attendants by entering a maximum number in the field. The credit limits is also an important prerequisite to using Auto Assign.

  • To display credit information on ALICE Staff App (mobile), select the checkbox next to “Display credit bar for room attendants on mobile”.


  1. Select “Room Attendant” from the ALICE Admin menu.

  2. Select “Credits”

  3. A table will populate with any Room Types configured in Location Groups.

  4. Select “Edit”

  5. Enter the number of credits associated with each Housekeeping Task per Room Type.

  6. Select “Save”.

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